Provence dishes
Different and new four course menus will be proposed each month according to the season and the available ingredients. When you receive the confirmation of your reservation with Provence Gourmet by email, you will have the possibility to specify your preference of either a fish or a meat recipe for the main course of the day’s menu. On the day we meet, I will present you my favorite menu for the day. The detailed recipes will be sent out to you at the end of the day. You’ll experience with me true Provence dishes
For information only, here are some of the typical recipes I will propose along the year.
- Feuilleté de Tapenade sur Mesclin (Mixed olives, capers, anchovies, tuna)
- Pissaladière aux oignons doux des Cévennes (Sweet Onions & olive tart)
- Moules haute mer à la Provençale (Fresh Mussels Provençal style)
- Bagna Cauda (Fresh spring vegetables with its warm sauce)
- Beignets de fleurs de courgettes (Fried zucchini flowers)
- Panisses de l’Estaque (Sliced chickpea mix)
- Brandade de morue (Cod fish “Brandade”)
- Omellete d’asperges à la truffe (Asparagus omelet with truffles)
- Bruccio aux fines herbes sur tomates de crimé (Bruccio mix on seasonal tomatoes)
- Caviar d’aubergine (Eggplant caviar)
- Soupe de poisson (Fish soup)
- Soupe au pistou (Pistou soup)
- Bourride Côte Bleu (Local fish with an Aïoli)
- Carré d’agneau au beurre d’anchois (Rack of lamb with an anchovy’s butter)
- Aïoli Provençal (Fresh seasonal vegetable with olive oil & garlic special)
- Supions à l’ail (Small squids browned with garlic & parsley)
- Artichauds en barigoule (Purple artichokes heart simmered with salted pork & white wine)
- Tian de légumes (Cooked vegetables tian)
- Gratin de pommes de terre à l’huile d’olive (Provençal potato gratin)
- Salade Frisée à l’ail (Fresh curly lettuce with garlic croutons)
- Tomates à la Provençale (Baked tomatoes with garlic & parsley)
- Gratin de courgettes (Zucchini gratin)
- Poires cuites au vin rouge (Pears cooked in red wine)
- Tarte aux pommes maison (Home made Apple pie)
- Compression de pommes rôties au marc du Garlaban (Roasted apples on a pie crust pastry)
- Coupe de fruits au vin rouge (Summer provençal fruits in red wine)
- Crêpes Suzette (French crêpes)
- Fruits pochés au sirop de menthe (Fruits in poached mint sirup)
- Tarte aux abricot à la poudre d’amande (Almond crust apricot tart)